OCR text
st wo wn g Q g = ROYAL ie oe Saprophytic orch, to combine ‘Dee.31/31.Dallas Tenompok ridge — FLORA OF THE MALAY ISLANDS Clemens Expedition for the British Museum of a fh #7 LA) f As {/ , af = shitieOrchiu. AD Collectors, J. & M S. CLEMENS. Island or Province...) t copyright reserved Locality!) Habitat ..Jungle.J Altitude above sea.. Tree, shrub, vine, herb. eight of splatee eee. Diameter, breast high 20sec Flower... Corolla..snecked: wi tl Tnner ». 7Goleur; odour,etc.) (Kind, use, odour, colour, etc.) Special notes............ ECONOnIIG jiScsene tn. 25 tee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN No. | EDINBURGH o wi ee E01267115
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