OCR text
——— ISOTYPE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wn HG lana to'dey DE Chand. * ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN copyright reserved R Bircltordis Chante a LSoTIPE Det. D. F. Chamberlain bea | 1 fo) EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET shodedendron iluciferua Cowar F, Lupiow, G. SHerrirF, & H. H. ELioT No. 4 37h6 Locality gopne Lae mreTongyut Dzonge Pome Altitude 42, 000ft. Calyx ? Corolle white,with a very few pink spots on posterior petal. Filaments white; anthers brow, Gynoeeiim nale yellowish green, stigna dark bromi2ate 21-5e19h7 Indimentum dark fare Shrubs Gite
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