OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBU E0018 Ri 9 G i 929 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of China Ericaceae Rhododendron hylaeum Balf.f. & Farrer China: Yunnan: Nujiang Lisu Aut. Pref.: Gongshan Drung-Nu Aut. Co.: Mekong-Salween Divide, W Flank: Ye Niu Gu Forest Camp. Cut-over mixed, by a river. 252527°. small evergreen tree with three trunks, to 7m; bark smooth, grey-purple; capsule well-developed. British-American Salween Expedition No. 955] 22 May 2000 x, ® Pa ed ® n 2 a) <= = = 4) 2. ° oO MQQQ589
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