OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00418773 ! Flora of China Ericaceae Rhododendron luteiflorum (Davidian) Cullen China: Yunnan, NW: Nujiang Lisu Aut. Pref.: Gongshan Drung-Nu Aut. Co.: Gaoligong Shan: Below Camp 2, W side of the ,pass, X1 Sao Fan, Gongshan to the Dulong Valley. Epiphyte (mostly). 2460 m. This year's flowers -long over. Different from BASEX 9653?. Evergreen shrub, to 50cm. British-American Salween Expedition No. 9655 4 Jun 2000 xe) i) > fe 1) 77) o ke ae on iy a a) fo} ° [eo M0G0589
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