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Estes ets lek | Naqduvo DINVLOG TVAOU : Ae = aia ae = : rex- YAW E-S-x- 9 LE] O) Be (ele) - 68SQQ0W | : ‘ : as oy EDINBURGH E01249764 {VIM ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN = -Ceutin~ Lemar CLL 1937 other 14 Determinavit. S, K. : escaaae : +8 MILK of Cur JU DA bik, a iazitation, ee feoptiee, BEB, sor ons aE, Os. 64. quarter pins 7ae. [Breldenbs +n ‘187, Now Bondage 2 nasa Bb, ; _N.B. Be pariicular to sea 38, “ John Knight, ‘York-place, Old Gave stamped on each bar. ff LEXION.—-GODF REY’s EX. strongly recommended for dad i ths skin, and giving ita Py 3 at once @ most fracrans perfume ompletely removes tan, suntan, redness, &e., baling qualities, renders the skin 8oft, pliable, arf, &, 3 clears it from every humour, pim: ey i Atinuing its use only a short time, ihe ae ott and smooth, and the complexion perfectly : she ee ofshaving it is inyaluabls, as it ad all roughness, and affords great comfort if 3 the prevalence of cold easterly winds. Sold mith directions for using it, by all medicing . . » SUN and DUST are sources of AQ © to of delicate complexion. Ey is , je aquatic excursicn, ladies should ever ba pro« 's ‘YDOR, which will be found greatly row on, fdispelting ‘the cloud of Tanguor and re! ed and heat, and immediately affording the lant 2 oe ony and teeta State an-spota, pimples, an: uration’ are come © Kalydoy, and give place to a delicately soft, Government stamp Price 4s, 6d, and 83, 6d. Sold by tho proprietors, fumera, Beware of spurions imita ALLISTON are so natural as to ? friends, good wigs one guinea, upwards of 100 ¢ n, wigmaker, 416. Strand, four doors from the oor, Establirhed 19 years, JS HAIRS easily and effectuall: SAUNDERS’: ORIENTAL DEPILATORY, \ aration, beautifies the complexion 3 cont ckets, per for eight stamps.—J! Touzean Astreet, and all druggists ard perfumers, . BALM of COLUMBIA, acknow- 30 ae tobe aa ae oe a ‘r, and promoting the gr. ors 4 ost distinguished “Sool enmelseee oes . and Us. Wholesale and retail,—i3, °OWDER eee most x ‘or the romoval perfiuous: “eal to beauty, The gemuine CLEGHORN. PRESENTED BY Mason Spror, 1896. HERB. H. F. C. EDINBURGH i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet