OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBUR VMN E012493 GH il Plantae picoeuropeanae a Rodney M Burton anno 1989 visae Flannigan FPO46 Acinos alpinus subsp. pyrenaeus (Br.-Bl.) Lainz Corrected by Lainz et al. (1962) HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. Flora of Spain - Picos de Europa. Colemintha ener L. Peak 2km. NNW of Esvinama. Lmst Shaded, E-facing scree. 1700m. Paves 56. B.Flannigan, FPO46. Oo = xo] ® Pa Po ® n 4 ad = i = > Qa fo} (3) i) MQQQ589
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