OCR text
xe) ° o < ed Co) = - = A) o ® = < i) 2. Cotype ISOTYPE YUNNAN, WEST CHINA. No./F 8/8. Coll. GEORGE FORREST. June 19/4 Alt. 9. woo fi: Locality £05) op, bdaKews oe ote, Mae &:8 aah, of Rbodadenclren. AMECSONi Ande. olf f. bowed: At hiuitlhis ati, < 40° 2 Mates RAGE..1:6 (IIA) once ROYAL a PE NADEN wing Rhamx; fraerrenconune fost fet i LPs Aknint= rf 6» 7 ft". Hews my Wh rege Eyer. Oat aridua he > is +S; bay , Awhe rhe’ Hey €
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