OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TT Fide : NogeR V. Blumer Kut: Bam, (aa, Hyoostan wall thy i Determinavit E ae = 00 roel : /-will - 1466 Qipeslamr a Q0ehie LB». ca Determinavit (Uesde ao, /yew /9K8 Vf). CLEMENS EXPEDITION TO NEW GUINEA DISTRIBUTED BY THE BOTANICAL GARDEN, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Apostasia f. Burm, a4 oe er ret. Vicinity of Kajabit Mission, elev. 800-2000 ft. Morobe District Mary Strong Clemens t wn. /O7Z tf atin BE 1939 t oO wn 2g 2 S = copyright reserved cm
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