OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN v1 Deh fyortai ef. oderata BE Determinavit F . a Vogel , | ~Tl- by Apestima wallichi: R.Br. Determinavit 7 iis >Yrov. A igse PLANTS OF MOUNT KINABALU B. N. Borneo ten. 1's /Ax J. & M. S. CLEMENs we Tod 230 Orchid. Aporstasin Plagreen petals, purpletongue Ep.on great fallen GPea,over bante from camp, COURT BONW LIA, Penibukan, 4000-5000 feet xo] cy Po — ® n E od co. es — a] a ° cS) MQQ0564
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