OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi £01213: HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA. ..OF THAILAND Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, Thailand FAMILY: Common Name: BOTANICAL NAME: Bos “ 1 ot gin % bo © . eel ied SRELOUASE SRLOZiSsaGs ve Bate VG Be : 2¢e4 © SOPs Ci Province: ; District: Location: ... 3 ind Jae Same /otione be ; e & Elevation: mz, ° Date: aS Habitat : <<. open Lawn gerde:, cise’ eversgrvenf/deéid.aus Notes: Betiteckhs, Cui tivsted ineentick sorb 2 ow 4 ean on ft #38 wide ie; Lats @ Geiye Er .e 2% LeLaa, a icliiciees ere : Pees; 8s 2 Guii dusk grem sbowe, Lighi et in dexries tl Collected By: J.F Maxwell Number: duplicates: & ao ® copyright reserved MQQ0564
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