OCR text
Rhododendron sinogrande, Balf. f. et W. W. Sm., var. boreale, Tagg et
Forrest. Var. nov. 6» AoGe RES. doer, vet RY (1926) /¢ 9.
Varietas haec septentrionalis foliis minoribus magis coriaceis,
floribus pallido-luteis inter signa alia minora a typo recedit.
Among Mr. Forrest’s 1922 collection from Tsarong are forms of
Rh. sinogrande which represent a northern extension of the southern
Salween Valley type. There is no doubt about their affinity. They
are very near to Kh.:sinogrande but are not the typical southern
form. Apart from foliage differences—the leaves of the northern
forms are somewhat more leathery, have a slightly denser under-leaf
indumentum commonly olive-grey, not grey-white, and the broadest
part of the lamina is generally nearer the leaf apex—the chief
characteristics of the northern forms are larger flowers of better
colour. Mr. Forrest’s comment on his 21705 is, ‘a grand species
but leaning towards coarseness. Flowers a shade lighter than the best
forms of Rh. lacteum.”” Of 217054 he says, “ Flowers clear pale-yellow
with a crimson blotch at base” and “ A fine species with flowers of a
clearer yellow than 21705." The flowers of the southern type are
described as “ dull white.” Mr. Forrest when he collected 21705 and
21705A suggested that they were distinct species -not previously
gathered by him, but until more is known of them in cultivation I
think they should be regarded as geographical varieties of Rh.
S.E. Tibet. Tsarong, West of Chamatong, Salween-Kiu Chiang
divide. Lat. 28° 18’ N. Long. 98° 27’ E. ‘Alt. 13-14,000 ft. Shrub
of 20-25 ft. Flowers fleshy soft yellow throughout without markings.
In Rhododendron forest. June 1922. G. Forrest. No. 21705.
S.E. Tibet. Tsarong, Londre-la, Salween-Mekong divide. Lat.
28° 14’ N. Long. 98° 40’ E. Alt. 12~-13,000 ft. Shrub of 20 ft.
Flowers fleshy clear pale yellow with a crimson blotch at base. In
Rhododendron thickets and forests. May 1922. G. Forrest. No.
S.E. Tibet: Tsarong.. Duplicate in fruit of No. 21705. Same
locality and situation. October 1922. G. Forrest. No, 2276r.
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