OCR text
London Rocket. 188 5. [rio 1: Syme E. B. i. t. 99. All Europe except the extreme north, often sporadic, Caucasus, Armenia, Persia, Turkestan, Beluchistan, abundant in Afghan- istan and in India—Rajputana to Punjab, N. Africa, Egypt, Canaries, Madeira. A glabrous, light green annual or biennial, 3-5 dm. high, with deeply pinnatifid or pinnate leaves ; flowers small, bright yellow ; sepals ovate; fruit three-nerved, long linear, overtopping the upper flowers. This is the species which came up in such great pro- fusion on the ruins round St Paul’s in 1667 after the great fire in London, which is deseribed in Morison’s Praeludia. Found by I. M. H., August 1909, on damp soil on shingle by the side of the Tweed two miles. below Galashiels, Roxb. Flowering July to September. It has long been naturalised at Berwick on-Tweed, whence it was recorded by Ray in Cat. Plant. Any. 100, 1677. mo) cy) Pa & ® o” ® rs cad ao oD re > 2. ° (>) MISS Il. M. HAYWARD, F tu \ PRESENTED 1944 ROYAL BOTANIC G, . - Seve EDINBURGH ae Lor dk tuny Caras Ra H's Apeermoe As (Mise wu Regeentifire Mo teens |
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