OCR text
10 FAN MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY FLORA OF YUNNAN 9 copyright reserved Field No. 20515 — 2 {Date Sept.- 285 1938 jukiang Valley, We of 1.2 hs Locality “= __Sungsian attitude 1250 Me _ Habitat Margin of woods Habit. Herb perennial Height ee Ae. op Boe: Bark=se Leaf =. seeteesss eels i Bis ie a Blower ae sy pink, marked. red. Spots Penit: = See Sate ede on eee eae oe Notes... Common ¥ eee We Sek Orchidac. Common Names). ee ey ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Name... Snthsogonium EDINBURGH NL eaten 1 E00123342 23
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