OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 0 E00010465 copyright reserved wa ae Z fhin Rae E EASTERN: TIBET No. fr . 1925 Co... GEORGE FORREST = R lischrum Bal. /- & wes bs - - see Soe Subsp. 9 hisehroreles (Teng 2 Fowesh ) Chane. Alt, 16 ~1Hi r-oopl oe : a3 Locality k ator Pheuh yp he Det. D. F. Chamberlain (476 be Nee hin. —oSehtan tse a ye” Bee te Kes Kets. 260. Kong : a sis TF-yR! é. oy (Ff teh ae i a ee ar we rower = oicert Vicehito- 2? . sar 28
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