OCR text
EX HERBARIO M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees Stellaria neglecta Weihe, var. Hlisabeth@® F. Schultz. Hedgebank, Stockwood Vale, near Keynshani, North Somer- set, May 26 and June 8, 1930. Calyx and pedicels quite glabrous.—Jas. W. White. Correct, but F. Schultz described it as a species, so his name should be in brackets.—J. Fraser. The leaves are shortly acuminate, the stamens more than 5, the seed prominently and + acutely tubercled. This is the var. wmbrosa Opiz of Hooker, for which C. E. Salmon preferred the name var. ae (“‘ Fruits and Seeds.”’ S. E. Union of Scientific Societies, 1928, p. 42).—J. E. Little. As F. Schultz described this plant as a species (Archives Flora, p. 302-3, 1861) the authority should be enclosed in brackets. Schultz’ name, which is supported by a good description, has been wisely adopted in lieu of the doubtful S. wmbrosa Opiz. The varietal name decipiens E. S. Marshall, which was proposed (under S. wmbrosa) for typical S. neglecta (Journ. Bot. xl. 214, 1902) has been erroneously left standing in the London Catalogue and the Plant list—H. W. Pugsley. Herbarium Europzeum, J. W. WHITE) Pils. hans 2 reqbecta Wei, Sere. Exchange 0; a LEGI IPSE, oe aes eS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN an) MQQ0323 ro} oO Pa hes 1 7) = c=] aon = i > a fe) Oo
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