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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HUN Ui E01124911 Collection number: 3781 determiner’s set, . Duplicates: USM, US, F, NY, MO, K, MICH, M, P, LE, G, GH, HEID, S, LIL,E,C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (alone Seventh Botanical Garden Expedition to the Andes, 1963-1964 Director, Paul C. Hutchison PERU Prostrate vine, road's edge. Flowers yellow. Deep forest shade upstream from road, 8 km. east of Monte- negro at km. 286 east of Olmos on the Mesones-Muro Highway. Altitude 650 m. Province of Bagua, Department of Amazonas PAuL C. HUTCHISON 8 J. KENNETH WRIGHT 3781 25 January 1964 DisTRIBUTED BY THE HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Me@e6e493 WO <z or “i copyright reserved
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