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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mn E01124802 HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Mascacwin LAsiancen (Ave. Juss.) Meo, a DETERMINED BY {J R.Avderaon, 1973 FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso No. R.3 3/7 ( Caveira de ndio, approx 10 km W of Xavantina (14°44'S,52°20'W) on the N bank of the Rio das Mortes. Sherabe, (Sm tlle, ort ™ Bert Sel (rb 7 Rem hog loan forge asf Date. 73-7-/97¢ JAR es Pile Coll: atter & J Fonséca Filho copyright reserved Meee493
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