OCR text
MQ00589 xo} ® “ ® n 4 ehed no D = ) 2. ° oO ex Herb. Lugd. Batav. C. F. van Beusekom & C. Phengkhlai 485 | 4 ’ BLORA OF THAILAND 1968 Family:Annone Name: A | ohonsea | Distr: Southwestern Datel? Apbil 1968 1 Prov.: Kanchanaburi Localityrawan Nat.Park, beween Khwae Noi | and Mae Klong rivers. Along path | H bitat? 7°™ guesthouse up to the waterfall, | al : } Strip of shady forest along stream, Limestone area. Alte. c. 200-300 m | Notes: Treelet.co 7:m. high. Fre, unripe, i greene ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i mee EDINBURGH | | | MH II | Duplicatas to AKF, K, PB, B,C, AAH, KYO, E01 145097 j Expedition of the Riukeherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands, and the Forest Harbarty Bangkok, Thailand, apontored by the Thal Government, pe faikensilanal Technical Assistance, Netherlands, ments and the Department of
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet