OCR text
7 v a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WINN E01145094 FLORA OF THAILAND C. F. van Beusekom, T. Smitinand GC ala lac ela etn deen in al Annone 11.11.1969 SE Thailand, prov. Chantaburi Loc: Foot of Khao Soi Dao 13° OQO'N 102715 B low Alt. ?. 40 %& 9 Disturbed ne forest. Small tree c. 9 m tall. Fls few, pale greenish yellow. Frs pale green, lumpy, visited by ants. Expedition of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherland Thailand, sponsored by DITH, Netherlands, "and the. Thani Goeaee Forest Herbarium, Bangkok, copyright reserved oD eo wn g g g =
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