OCR text
oO oO ® S = Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea monogyna Merrill & Chun Deter rev.: Paul Kessler LL Lego Rijksherbarium Leiden copyright reserved PLANTS OF HAINAN Collected for The New York Botanica with the Botanical Institute of the Colle : j Yatsen University, Third Hainan Expedition, = ci No. 70114 F.C. How & N. K. Chun Feb.” “tags Abpea et e2 + Chere Yown lin 27 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NN E£01145061 ing, Yaichow; Shrub, Sm.ht, in woods; fr, pals green, pubescent. € Bic tates
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet