OCR text
MO@OBBA9D2 bhplage benghalensis AS ie copyright reserved do Bee, (785 PetTeeangpen SIP UG BA. ex Herb. Lugd. Batav. C.F. van Beusekom FLORA OF THAILAND 1968 §'¢ phenokhia ZIG ptage cf. benghalensis Distr: southwestern Prov: Kanchanabur Locality: Between Khao Yai and Khao Ngi Yai, | E. of Sangh! Habitatiuixed deci bamboo. Alt ee i eee Pe ena nee nore ee . Py Notes: Climberhigh in tree. Frs,. ‘al ~ on Ereene LOMUONe ; ae 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN sy Lect, [i EDINBURGH : oe U ; Duplicates to BKF, K, P, £&, C, AAH, KYO. : Expedition of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands, and the Forest Herbarium ; Bangkok, Thailand) sponsored by the Sovernment and the Dep E01124510 ; international Technical Assistance, Net Oe orept ok lands. s
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