OCR text
fi x oben. j : i Determinavit C 4,40, 6-/75? ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HMA E01124387 FLORA OF BRAZIL Federal District No. R. 206 an corel sh fpulen Ware. E Fazenda Agua Limpa (University of Brasilia field station), near Vargem Bonita, c. 18,km. SSW of Brasilia IV tower. ee . * \ pe CF id , j.@e Je Bes bree. C [ok seep wk owls Petclo one Spore Pg med { 7 4a yrle Opllors. y Nate, fs 2. /97E A rele 7 tL oe Ags , A RO Nt ene Gok i bling Farnt i, 6 Mee6e@564 xo) o Po hee ® n” o cs ad = iy a ry 2. fo) (3)
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