OCR text
Meee493 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) ae on of tne genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E01141144 Anaxagorea javanica Blume var. javanica Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 copyright reserved Naw On ont ogre, foramen Mo ae POLUIGT HE AO US ION AINE Eee Habitat Fine Fa wee os Height above mean sea-level eee feel, Stati iene Rerwr J Bot Anse, dyptedins fx, he: 1 Pra 2 orgs a en - Date i a 4 Collector James "Sinclair. Reference Number 46 2 Remarts La dnpoome a - 6-/0 frre, Yrethne Bal co rt few a Ayer nf rrigehieet Lehoweh . Gohooe |
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