OCR text
MQQ0493 xo] ® : Fd 3 i s ® a —_ 3 “ Pa f 3 z g . BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA > = G ANDAMAN-NICOBAR CIRCLE, PORT BLAIR 3 5 i Fora or...MIDDLE..ANDAMANSG....... “4 E : 2 COED NO, 27. 1948 Perseus nd Dare..3e.. DULY. 1974 es : : ; wane: AN@XAGOrea Luzonensis..A...Gray........... a Geo RR ee ree ee eee 2 Bs | FAMILY... ANN ONACEAE teeta 3 a @ RR ee a 3 : pécaisry:,. BUQSPUT po icant ient Met Pie, evel gem gt Feta aeadideecteeeeercgy g 9 s wawerat;..L Land evergreen. forests gt c.8 ae lll GRAY MOLGS BON ce : 3 a 4 AUT sss cose te POO eS pisre: SESTCe,... few See 2 2. fe i) vaorchrub, +2 mo BRA We Weeki e git ie kale Hoes: vescrF lowers white; corolla early... i deciduous. SEEN GARDEN IGT Gs coe Metra ham Meets MoD Doct, wins dooanl Ges svseee oneal iin
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