OCR text
Mee0493 ao] ® Pa i cH) 7) 4 a = D = > 2 fe] Oo Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 PLANTS OF HAINAN,, yc Here ° is “ ig Britton Herbarium, N. Y. Botanical Garden Bot, Garg Nos6560 c. Wang JON. Ll, 1934 .199aa4 re. Hainan: small shrub; in shady places; EDINBURGH 5 | | WANA Fourth Hainan Expedition of Sun Yatsen University E01141135 July 1933-Jan. 1934 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet