OCR text
Vy ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | WAMU E01132580 ! os | ay ) y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WIA E01132581 4, FLORA OF IRAQ Rerononkiad onorerzand L , | ae Pinata ails, Bat AALS, Boras Date %.-9.19 78 Hab. Hielde by Hee i ae Canal, Mean Ti taep ofa mrr - eFinant; cou). Me fe7- 6). 19/9] 08. Leg. W. EDGAR EVANS. . No: VY 302, yout 4, Quec ay * Genssigare Determinavit Welln (yut ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ees : eS) copyright reserved =a 7 6 meee 5 + | RS ep Fl ER Ce s ites. [etd 0) om N om fax) fox) gS =
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