OCR text
MQG0323 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH fee 8 9 copyright reserved =e if 6 FLORA OF IRAQ Sep. QOL ons Det. Trend Date 22-4.1978 Ree Ge Ow ae ae eee S425 yA PRESENTED 1940, WW. GTLCA Ayla. ae Ee ee Determinavit optentsiny RAGE M J mz” . Ameornthus cz, Real. DOr. gras , Bows, Hab. Yebds by the Masrkanrak Canal, eAmnanrs; i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN j . i; EDINBURGH can Aude ae 4 IMM A SI ae Boge Bee, = :M 1 ; E01132579 ee | EB
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