OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN vO E£01132500 [Pee sapae ROYAL BO) Af go f CF FALE of fo aihntharese CnguUih Fe W. Schimper. Pl, Arab, petr, Ed. 11. Hohenacker. 1843. 294. Amarantus sylvestris Desf. — Hochst. In horto claustri Ste Catharine ad m, Sinai. D, 14. Jul. 1835. HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PRESENTED By HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. Approbavit P. AELLEN 1964/5 ifn, Bets tba’ ; lcd, } ROYAL BOTANIC Cop 8 0) aN EDINBURGH cg reserved mm N om 2 a 2 =
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