OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii Ripep Chamaecistus wa &x Benrh. aoe. Comentelta (Gree. Roch e. Fide Rechamogc m FI, Tstnica So 18 (aga) FLORA OF IRAN Ex herb. Univ. Bergensis No: fi a " chawan e646 Paik i ied shurphy Uw Bouss. Y Elburz mts.: South of Demavend: Above Abe-Ali, 35° Ye 2 INS Bal? 55 E. Cy 2300 m alt. Per Wendelbo leg. 29 / 7 «# 1959 det. | 2 19 xo] co) Pad rT co) n co) =<) aol <= to?) = > Qa fe) o M@e00589
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