OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WW E01130526 ¥ Th. Kotschy. Pl. Pers, austr. Ed. R. F. Hohenacker. 1845. 458. Ajuga _(Chamaepithys) euphrasioides Boiss. x. sp. Moschum redolet, In collibus ad lacum salsum Nemek Derja pr. u. Schiras, D. 1. Jan, 1842, HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. Prop Chomaccstus Gra. x Bemth, ne NPAC ( Botan, ) Rech Fide Reclhumegc m FA. Tramica \S0 . 1 (1952) 5°) ® e o r 4 Cdl = re = > rot fe) 6 MQQQ0589
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