OCR text
MQ00589 ke} o Pa rT ® 7) ® be _— o£ A a EY a ° re) MONSEIC JiNE SUBLIMISE Province du Kouy-Tcurov (Chine. ) Dro banchsty aoe (PES TAT: a4 Aeginetia indica L. Abqinehia aa : froalk, : Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell Gee ges oe) A ae San, G Gour'es F Cess'teons . oD 3 (Anas ty Gy Pacing By herkeg ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN U ny 0) rk. Sep, aah ; EMILE BoDINIER | des Missions-Etrangeres de Paris.
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