OCR text
Sammiung Dr. B. Dubs ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN uM E01124240 9 10 3] copyright reserved FLORA DO PANTANAL MATO-GROSSENSE Herbario da SODEPAN, Campo Grande, MS, Brasil [ye perop Peres Aig parr’ er jfot'n Atty, Jugs. Fazenda S.A. do Paraiso, 17°23’S., 55°24’W., Mato Grosso, edge of forest on terra firme. Shrub, 125cm tall. Calyx glands green; petals golden yellow, claws later flushed red. leg.: Dubs & Kramer no. 1117 29-IX-1989 sts I, Bi neters eis Qa FD 1 One
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