OCR text
Evthems leucocacpa Tack Determinavit: C.A. Pendry 1996 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Lai E01123833 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SABAH HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST DEPARTMENT SANDAKAN SAN No. 105151 Family Ochnaceae Botanical Name Gomphia serrata Det. Vernacular Dialect : thats i a Locality (see reverse for map) Houten Simpan Singgangeu District Weston Alt. 25 Me masil. Collector Ag, Amin Sigua Date 17/8/89 Habitat Hill Notes : mee height 4m, Girth 19.0 cm park Rrownidh smooth, S@pwood yellowish, Imer bark green, fruits greenish, Duplicates to : K/L/SAR/KEP/SING/BO/PNH/AA/OX/ [20 Herbaria receiving duplicates are requested to communicate new identifications to the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Centre, Sandakan Sabah. APC-12193 Ce fs] copyright reserved t wo Ww g g g =
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