OCR text
MAGBAS6A NN waity (Vou. 19.79... ®. FLORA OF NEW GUINBA x Botanical Collectlons af the Divides of Botany, Depecvnent of Reuamite Gat. A. N. MILLAR, NGF 35126, 27/7/67 ao] ) Pd c o ® = oa & od = Poy rol ° is) Locality: Amboin, Angoram subdist., East Sepik District, altitude 450 feet. let 4408 Long, 143 35 E Habitat: Rain forest. Annot. Large tree. Leaves dark green dull below. Flowers white, stems red. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn E01123065 Fam. ?Euphorbiaceae Name : L. Bri. Canb. A.K. Dupl. sent to: Bog. Sing. Syd. rs PNH. US. Bish.
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