OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WN E01120986 Antidesma tomentosum Blume det Virev /confirm Petra Hoffmann (K), 7/1996 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF CENTRAL “ALIMANTAN No.94230 Date: 18.5.94 Fami ly: Euphorbiaceae Name: Antidesma Collector: Tuke I. Djuda. Locality:0n path from pondok towards road end. Km92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya) ,Kab.Kotawaringin Timur,1°29's W2eestre. Habitat:Lowland mixed dipterocarp Forest. Alt. c50m Notes:Small tree. dbh lcm. Frit ted, spherical Balai Penelitian Kehutanan ODA Tropical Forest Management Project M@BOSb6A xo] ® Pad a ® n ® - c= ao ss — > 2. fo} °o
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