OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (Mii E01120974 / wt frpcty72 ir Det. ‘t fre, FO 7Ufe 2 fit CKP7 Aft“ tite NFU / XX YAR t, y iy HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF KALIMANTAN Euphorbiaceae Anitdesma cf. bunius Spreng. Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5km NE of Haruwu Village, Nyoohoy tributary, 0°28'S; 113°44'kE. Alt.: c. 250 m. Common along river banks. Tree c. 8 m tall; densely branched; heavy crown; flower whitish-green; abundant. J. o. Burley Tukirineect sal 380 24 March, 1988 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARTA HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE ao] o . ® n 3 a) co D ys 4) 2. ° 1)
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