OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TT 01120970 Antidesma neurocarpum Miq. det ‘Trev /contirm Petra Hoffmann (K), # /1996 FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN No. 93188 Date: 18 May 1993 Name: Antidesma Collector: G. Argent, K. Sidiyasa, K.S. Yulita & P. Wilkie Locality: By plot 8. Km 92 from Sangai, S. Mentaya, Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, 1°18'S 112°32'E. Habitat: Lowland mixed dipterocarp forest on undulating ground. Alt. 100m Notes: Tree to 2.5m tall with thin brown bark. Fruit from twigs only hanging, pink. Balai Penelitian Kehutanan ODA Tropical Forest Management Project xo] ® 2 Re ® "1 ) be od = Do i > 2. ° 3) M@BASb6A
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