OCR text
Anak Anuma monlanun BS lame NOt SOA Cun (Rid) Petra Hoffa. Det. Mn R Ce eens | ok 208 FLORA OF INDO-CHINA Hue and Vicinity Hue was the place of residence of J. Loureiro, author of the Flora Cochin- chinensis (1790), for about 35 years. A majority of the Cochinchina species described by him was from Hue and vicinity. Gr tihiene cambodianum Gagnep Pa ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UM ; E01120851 No. @ULR. w. Squires Jan.-May, 1927 Jai. ee oO pea a] ® e ® n ‘ — 7 = iy = Pa) roy ro) fz) i) 8
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