OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WAM E01120757 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF THAILAND Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, Thailand /c° FAMILY: S32 GRi svdaa Common Name: BOTANICAL NAME; Antigesme seidom Pete. Province; S*ase mal District. 2% 78 Location: ™@* %% Waters Bee *od Sundictrict, neer Mee S94 Strose Elevation: 425 m. Dates 2 Cetcher 1994 Habitat: 2aetly open sargine of the deciduous forest wit, such Bamboo, : greite bedro & Notes: treclet 2 m, bara dimeter 5 emg Berk thin, sorath, Light & . $ jufrectescence B268 6 isacture frelte prea; Sledee dark arites ab: ve, Li gt grees Um “arts ats Collected By: J.F wal N ‘ 9 10834 ‘a sae ee duplicates: MQQQAQCGA ao] a) Pa cs ® 7) 4 oo <= Ay = Pa) 2. fe) 3)
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