OCR text
Mee6493 Ae gt. Gil.) AS Eons we ry ced gn ‘0 rz zy by— 2b wv ia i came ign Cet HERB, HORT. BOT. CALCUTTENSIS. hk eer x. — Ss Flora of Bengal. : de Chittagong Division. VY £rCe z re: ae | (a xo} ® = tow ) 7) o hen a=) <= Sd = ) Qa fe) [S) C74 No. M4. I... ee Name. Awhile... Olvoadroun . Lofh., fia AC; A, aN Peeks 22s = Locality iad ahd re aacae: CAG al eis ee ROYAL Sane — J | ne _otct sooo, ont 3.1. conm IMI Pearse E0112
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