OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WAM E01120352 FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. LAE 66109 B. Conn & P. Katik 5/10/74 zy: Liplip-Mambi River area. >. Finschhafen-Umboi Is. Dist. Morobe. Alt. 200m Lat. 5 745°S Long. 147 58S Habitat: Lowland rainforest, Open ground storey, soil; red clay loam. Annot.: Height 15m, bole 10m, d.b.h, 30cm. Bark outer; grey brown, Inner; brown. Wood sapwood, cream; heartwood pale pink. Leaves above ; dark green, glossy. Below; light green, glossy. Flowers old female flowers only. Fruit young, yellow-green. Fam.: Euphorbiaceae Name: Aporosa Sp. Dupl. sent to: L. Bri. Canb. a, x Bog. Sing. Syd. Bish. PNH. US GDit. LAU AT, R & Se LN & et ia his CP ipclic Au ‘Gh adit i Lo EM t ao] o Pa i ® 77) ® —) ad = D AS > 2 ° oO Mee6493
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