OCR text
@ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MTU E01120330 Botanical Collections of the Department of Forests Papua and New Guinea J.J. Havel N.G.F. No. 4 4 O EUPHORBIACEAE Collected : Bulolo, Cas ft. ate 710 S Long. Alt. ca. 2 : 300 | 7 Govt, Print.—2774/12.59.—20, 000. PLANTAE NOVOGUINEENSES Morobe District - pmalivercs,. 3" d2beha, 12 feet Bark 1/16" thick, dark brown, smooth with shallow craters, Underbark brown, corky. Wood light brown, of medium hardness and densely character- ised by broad rays, fine reticul= ate varenchyma, small pores, Leaves thin, glabrous above, hairy beneath, venation prominen beneath, lamina arched between veins. fruge axillary, globular but flattened at ends, green, weakly hairy. Collected Taun Creek Logging Ares Bulolo, Morobe District. ia Alt. 2,300 feet. ; & kh, KRIRO 15/8/62 M@BBbA9D2 xo} ) = ic ca) o cd) js — fe 4 5 > ro} ° o
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