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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN v0 E01120326 FLORA OF NEW GUINEA. Distributed by the HERBARIUM AUSTRALIENSE, C.S.I.R.0., CANBERRA, A.C.T. with the request to be notified of new identifications. Coll. R. Schodde No. 2858 Date 30 Aug. 1962 fam. Euphorbiaceae Loc. Sogeri~Rouna Divide, c. 2 miles west of Sogeri, Central District, Papua. Hab. secondary hill rainforest; alt. c, 2000 feet. > Notes Tree c. 11 m high, DBH c. 25 om; rough, rlate, mid brown; wood mid brown: leaves dark dull een above, dull below; stems ferrugineous; inflores buds light dull green, a ¢ xo} cD Pad hen o 77) e Pd £ io) ‘= > 2. ° °o MeEB6492
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