OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu £01120251 HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF KALIMANTAN Euphorbiaceae Aporosa grandistipula Merr. Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5 km NW of Tumbang, Sian logging camp; Sikatan Wana Raya logging concession. 0°35'S; 113°25'E. Alt.: 150 nm. Primary lowland forest. Common. Tree c. 10 mtall; c. 13 cm dia; young fruit green. J. S. Burley, Tukirin et al. 825 26 April, 1988 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE Meee564 se] ® FS he o ” : ad rs ey = > 2 ) 3)
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