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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HAMA E01120240 ; Ab / eyvos ie Det. E.J.F.Campbell SY folafera Hesk | Nov 1996 HERB. HORT. EDINB. 9. 10 copyright reserved FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN NO.93406 (P4/400) DATE:07.93 FAMILY : Lemacoae SIPHOR BIACEHE NAME : Aporsa. COLUECTOR IK Ss. Yulia tae. Wilkie LOCALITY: Km. 92 from Sangai, s. Mentaya Plot 4. oN 25 2S wi Oey HABITAT: lowland mixed dipterocampmrorest: JNU Sy Ohne NOTES:Tree 20m, d.b.h. 25cm. Fruit borne from leaf axil, orange in colour, pedicel very short . Unpleasant smell £rom fruit. Calyx (4) brown with a few hairs on exocarp of fruit. Balai Penelitian Kehutanan ODA Tropical Forest Management Project
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