OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM E01120227 FLORA OF THAILAND R. Geesink, D. Phanichapol | & T. Santisuk ; Euphorbiace ‘ Aporosa 70601973 N. Thailand, Prov.: Chieng mai Loc: Bo luang c. 18°45'N 98 °29E Alt. Ce 1000 me Disturbed dry Dipterocarp foreste Treelet. Fruits green, endocarp oranges SS ana Tc SPE TES an eee ence Expedition of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Ni Thailand, sponsored by NUFFIC, Netherlands, tee he Gaus ae a) o ps — ® r 4 Pa F mo -— = roy Fe) fs) Mee@e@564
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet