OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HIN E01120162 FAMILY: BOTANICAL NAME: Province: Location: Elevation: Habitat: Notes: HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF THAILAND Prince of Songkla University, Haad Yai, Songkla Province, Thailand BU Re DIACRAR AOOEROR cuen lie fy PASSA TR Common Name: Able BS District: Sonote Polis Yorost var: 200 m. Date: Sanete 23 May 1987 mootiy suaded ena, margins of the seieary owercerean Somoot ak a be vivery oronitéc bedcroc!: < 2 ?. # tree 7m, db: LO ang bert. woth, smevish; Srufts clo om, oyoemn; Dladse dark cmen chown, moan unxhenoeth JeF. Maanll copyright reserved Meee564
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