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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Mee8564 El z ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved _ PLANTS OF INDONESIA Euphorbiaceae Baccaurea G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km north of Masa village; 150 km NE of Pontianak, W. Kalimantan Province. Sungai Sembawang and environs; 0°52’N; 100°26’E; 150 m. Tree 25 m tall, 1.5 cm dbh.; ripe fruit whitish violet. Occasional. J.S. Burley, Tukirin, et al. 2410 June 9, 1989 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VMI HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA E01114902 HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE
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