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ee ee ie ee re HERB. HORT. EDINB. | Meeeo5b64 me) 7) 2 he ) 77) A det = oy) os ry a. ° ° University of Illinois at Chicago PLANTS OF INDONESIA EUPHORBIACEAE Baccaurea Det. By: Field Char: Tree 10 m tall, 20 cm dbh. Bark light-brown, soft, powdery with longitudinal cracks; inner bark pale orange. Locality: North Sulawesi, 220 km W of Manado: km 50 inland from Pangi on Sungai Ilanga. i Habitat: Primary lowland forest. 400 m, 0°41’N X 123°40°E J.S. Burley, Tukirin et al. 3634, March 4, 1990 This is a voucher specimen for anticancer and anti-AIDS screening ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NCI qe Q6608872-G EDINBURGH Collected under the sponsorship of: U.S. National Can | | Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, Arnold Arboretum (Harvard University), Field Museum of E01114900 Natural History and Herbarium Bogoriense/LIPI,
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet