OCR text
F. 28 SARAWAK FOREST DEPARTMENT Collector:* aes Dawos Tank t No: So 29621 Date: 10.21.70 Family: =’phorbiaceae Name: Satesarea brevipes Nook, f, Det: P,Chai 7/7 | Locality (See overleaf): Stabat, Palawan, lst Division. M, copyright reserved Hania “Lowlad disturbed secondary jungle, smdy clay soils near a gnall stream, tree height 2ft., 9 inches girth, Fruits growing on stem; red. jeeds violet. Land Dayac: Satoh Pranuk tales Dee Distributed to: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN —- ~ — —— . EDINBURGH When new determinations are made pleasz inform the Forest AA TAT Botanist, Forest Department, Kuching, Sarawak. E01114819
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